2010년 5월 9일 일요일


Here are some several motifs for my video clips:

when making this nasty food Hong-uh, flies keeps sitting on the fish. From this motif, I used the image of a fly to portray a food being a fetish, for how the fetish in the religious context would be. The picture shown below would illustrate well how people cherish one object.

so if we substitute fly with human like this:

it would be easier to understand my intention.

2. Making tools to satisfy one's sexual appetite or preference:
from the film that we saw in the class-Conspirators of Pleasure(by Ian Svankmajer), people make their own tools to get sexual satisfaction from their fetish.
Likewise in my film, the girl creates her own tool to smell the Hong-uh in extreme. Also, the tools resembles the shape of a fly.

3.Webcams: it arouses the feeling of voyeurism

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